Thursday, April 26, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Racquetball Shots: Ceiling Ball

Racquetball Shots: Ceiling Ball After getting good at doing ceiling balls try to hit them than you do a bad one and than hit a pass shot or kill shot, a pass would be the better shot because a kill from back is harder to do than a pass.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Racquetball Blog about my games

I played great tonight. 4-4-12 I played 4 games of first to 11 wins, and I won all 4 games!
Dorian Howell vs. Tony is big and older player who is really good at shot selection. 11 - 7.
Dorian Howell vs. Steve L. is a tall and fit player who is really good at keeping the ball in play. 11 - 3. Dorian Howell vs. Bill was the closest game I had. 11 - 10 points 4 points to started with!
Dorian Howell vs. Bill's friend Ted had a good Z shot to my forehand. 11- 10 points 4points to started with! Dorian Howell vs. Mike is a friendly and deadly player who likes to play with my head, I won the game but Mike was right behind me if I miss even one passing-shot, I may not had won. plus Mike and I was going around with the serve for 8 times when I had 10 points. 11 - 8. Great Game!!!
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Perfect Racquetball Serve

Perfect Racquetball Serve for more racquetball videos and more.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Racquetball Strategies : Tiring a Racquetball Opponent

Racquetball Strategies : Tiring a Racquetball Opponent This video is talking about trying your best to win the game of racquetball. Tiring out your opponent is very important in the game of racquetball. Here is a free video to help you become a better player. Expert: Shawn Royster Bio: Shawn, started playing Junior Racquetball in the age 12 and under division at the National and World Junior Championship. He was offered a college scholarship to University of Southern Colorado. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan